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Introducing The Being Cycle Wise Program. 


Being Cycle Wise is a school-based presentation and well-being program supporting mental health and body positivity through body connection. It is an all-encompassing menstrual health & wellbeing program delivered by industry leading women’s health educator Sara Harris.


Now ready for delivery in 2022. Bookings also open for 2023.


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Cycle Wise Programs for Schools:
Empowering girls to live their potential - to feel confident and self-assured at school and in life.


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Face to face



Sara can come to your school and deliver key presentations to the students live. This includes an address to the students to commence the program (90 minutes). And a follow up Q&A where students can reflect on how the program has impacted them and raise any questions they have moving forward. A completely online option is also available for schools.

New research shows the stigma around menstrual health in teenage girls is preventing some young Australians from going to school.


A survey of 659 menstruating students aged 10-18 years old has found one in five are too embarrassed to go to school when they have their period.


A 2017 survey found that 1 in 7 girls and young women in the UK didn’t know what was happening when they got their first period. 1 in 4 stated that they felt unprepared for the beginning of menstruation.

Evidence informed – all our programs are fully aligned with the Australian Curriculum - Health & Physical Education (HPE) and Science Curriculum, and with the Australian Well-being Framework. Programs are developed in collaboration with registered teachers and education experts. We provide pre and post program data, so you can gauge the impact of the program that delivers foundational life-skills for girls.


Why Menstrual Health Education?

  • Girls feel unprepared for menstruation.

  • They do not understand how their cycle and body works, nor how to manage hormonal changes

  • Periods are seen as an inconvenience

  • Girls are often embarrassed and humiliated when it comes to periods

  • Girls feel disempowered and lack self-worth affecting their mental health

  • Rising mental health issues, can be addressed with healthy body awareness and body appreciation, building a sense of self-worth

Being Cycle Wise
covers the following themes:

Period Problems
Lifestyle & Exercise for
Hormonal Balance
Dealing with Stress &
Supporting Mental Health
Building a Relationship with
your body: Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence
Nutrition for Health
Self-Care &
All about period products
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Maximising potential: avoid missed days for periods
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Teacher Implementation Training

Live training (90 minutes) for your staff where Sara will highlight the intention behind the program, the core objectives and outcomes.  

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Presentation for Students

Sara will deliver a 90 minute presentation to your chosen cohort, online or in-person, plus a 30 minute Q&A session. All students will receive the Cycle Wise Diary workbook.

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Teacher guided modules over 4-6 weeks

Includes 4 modules (video lessons) + activities to complete the program (45 minute lessons). Students are encouraged to fill out their diary over this time.


Follow up Live Q&A for Students

A 1 hour live follow up Q&A session with Sara 6-8 weeks after the initial student presentation where students can ask any questions and share their experiences.

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Your presenter:

About Sara Harris

BHSc, Grad Dip Couns, MWomHMed, CertIV TAE


Sara is the founder of Follow your Flow and Cycle Wise Education. Her study and work in the area of women’s health spans across two decades. She has worked in private practice along with running programs, courses and events to support girls and women reignite their relationship with themselves.

With a Masters in Women’s Health Medicine and 4 years working in wellbeing at a school in Melbourne, she has now packaged her expertise and experience for teens to access. The foundation upon which Sara works is with the understanding that all girls and women are inherently sacred…a term that we shouldn’t be afraid to use and is very much present in our history when it comes to truly understanding women. 


A girl’s transition into womanhood is indeed sacred yet we are bombarded with everything that is in complete opposition to this.


Sara is engaging, real and inspiring as she is a living example of all that she shares whilst calling to account the lies that have been embedded in society and in the narrative about periods, that we have accepted for far too long.


Qualified. Experienced. Engaging. Relatable. Inspiring.

About Sara

See programs available

To discuss a package for your school Get in touch with Sara at Cycle Wise Education on +61419 331 557

Why be cycle wise?


Being Cycle Wise should be the foundation of every girl’s education when it comes to understanding their health and wellbeing. However, we still live in a world where periods are considered a nuisance and we wish them away at any given opportunity. The Cycle Wise Teens program is revolutionising this narrative, empowering girls to reclaim their body and its magnificent intelligence.

About the program

Rather than feeling at the mercy of their menstrual cycle and all that may come with it, this program encourages girls to recognise that they are in control. We look at the impact that choices in lifestyle, stress and ways of thinking has on the body as well as practical ways girls can support themselves.

See programs available

Cycle Wise Education

We support with building Body Confidence for Life. We are dedicated to empowering girls and young women to embrace the intelligence of their body and what their cycles can communicate to them for greater wellbeing, self-care and awareness.


To discuss a package for your school Get in touch with Sara at Cycle Wise Education on +61419 331 557

Copyright 2023 Sara Harris except where otherwise stated.

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